Nacimientos 2014


From the dataset abstract

Birth Data Files Archivo de cada nacimiento vivo en un año natural registrado en Puerto Rico. Incluye información sociodemográfica sobre el nacido y los padres, al igual que aspectos de...

Source: Nacimientos


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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
dob_yy numeric
dob_mm numeric
dob_tt text
dob_wk numeric
bfacil text
f_facility numeric
bfacil3 numeric
mage_impflg text
mage_repflg numeric
mager numeric
mager14 numeric
mager9 numeric
mbstate_rec numeric
restatus numeric
mrace31 text
mrace6 text
mrace15 text
mbrace numeric
mraceimp numeric
mhisp_r numeric
f_mhisp numeric
mracehisp text
mar_p text
dmar numeric
mar_imp numeric
f_mar_p numeric
meduc text
f_meduc numeric
fagerpt_flg numeric
fagecomb text
fagerec11 numeric
frace31 text
frace6 text
frace15 text
fbrace numeric
fhisp_r numeric
f_fhisp numeric
fracehisp text
feduc text
priorlive numeric
priordead numeric
priorterm numeric
lbo_rec numeric
tbo_rec numeric
illb_r text
illb_r11 text
ilop_r text
ilop_r11 text
ilp_r text
ilp_r11 text
precare text
f_mpcb numeric
precare5 text
previs text
previs_rec numeric
f_tpcv numeric
wic text
f_wic numeric
cig_0 text
cig_1 text
cig_2 text
cig_3 text
cig0_r text
cig1_r text
cig2_r text
cig3_r text
f_cigs_0 numeric
f_cigs_1 numeric
f_cigs_2 numeric
f_cigs_3 numeric
cig_rec text
f_tobaco numeric
m_ht_in text
f_m_ht numeric
bmi text
bmi_r text
pwgt_r text
f_pwgt numeric
dwgt_r text
f_dwgt numeric
wtgain numeric
wtgain_rec numeric
f_wtgain numeric
rf_pdiab text
rf_gdiab text
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rf_ghype text
rf_ehype text
rf_ppterm text
f_rf_pdiab numeric
f_rf_gdiab numeric
f_rf_phyper numeric
f_rf_ghyper numeric
f_rf_eclamp numeric
f_rf_ppb numeric
rf_inftr text
rf_fedrg text
rf_artec text
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f_rf_inf_drg numeric
f_rf_inf_art numeric
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rf_cesarn text
f_rf_cesar numeric
f_rf_ncesar numeric
no_risks text
ip_gon text
ip_syph text
ip_chlam text
ip_hepatb text
ip_hepatc text
f_ip_gonor numeric
f_ip_syph numeric
f_ip_chlam numeric
f_ip_hepatb numeric
f_ip_hepatc numeric
no_infec text
ob_ecvs text
ob_ecvf text
f_ob_succ numeric
f_ob_fail numeric
ld_indl text
ld_augm text
ld_ster text
ld_antb text
ld_chor text
ld_anes text
f_ld_indl numeric
f_ld_augm numeric
f_ld_ster numeric
f_ld_antb numeric
f_ld_chor numeric
f_ld_anes numeric
no_lbrdlv text
me_pres text
me_rout text
me_trial text
f_me_pres numeric
f_me_rout numeric
f_me_trial numeric
rdmeth_rec text
dmeth_rec numeric
f_dmeth_rec numeric
mm_mtr text
mm_plac text
mm_rupt text
mm_uhyst text
mm_aicu text
f_mm_mtr numeric
f_mm_ numeric
f_mm_rupt numeric
f_mm_uhyst numeric
f_mm_aicu numeric
no_mmorb text
attend numeric
mtran text
pay text
pay_rec text
f_pay numeric
f_pay_rec numeric
apgar5 numeric
apgar5r numeric
f_apgar5 numeric
apgar10 text
apgar10r text
dplural numeric
imp_plur text
setorder_r text
sex text
imp_sex text
dlmp_mm numeric
dlmp_yy numeric
compgst_imp text
obgest_flg numeric
combgest numeric
gestrec10 numeric
gestrec3 numeric
lmpused text
oegest_comb numeric
oegest_r10 numeric
oegest_r3 numeric
dbwt numeric
bwtr12 numeric
bwtr4 numeric
ab_aven1 text
ab_aven6 text
ab_nicu text
ab_surf text
ab_anti text
ab_seiz text
f_ab_vent numeric
f_ab_vent6 numeric
f_ab_nicu numeric
f_ab_surfac numeric
f_ab_antibio numeric
f_ab_seiz numeric
no_abnorm text
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ca_mnsb text
ca_cchd text
ca_cdh text
ca_omph text
ca_gast text
f_ca_anen numeric
f_ca_menin numeric
f_ca_heart numeric
f_ca_hernia numeric
f_ca_ompha numeric
f_ca_gastro numeric
ca_limb text
ca_cleft text
ca_clpal text
ca_downs text
ca_disor text
ca_hypo text
f_ca_limb numeric
f_ca_cleftlp numeric
f_ca_cleft numeric
f_ca_downs numeric
f_ca_chrom numeric
f_ca_hypos numeric
no_congen text
itran text
ilive text
bfed text
f_bfed numeric
ubfacil numeric
urf_diab numeric
urf_chyper numeric
urf_phyper numeric
urf_eclam numeric
ume_forcep numeric
ume_vac numeric
uop_induc numeric
uld_breech numeric
uca_anen numeric
uca_spina numeric
uca_ompha numeric
uca_cleftlp numeric
uca_hernia numeric
uca_downs numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated April 27, 2020
Metadata last updated April 27, 2020
Created April 27, 2020
Format text/csv
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 4 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 4 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id87620d17-bf63-445c-bb71-aca1a41c9077
revision idca859278-05ec-4940-8725-e3ffa7b59bb2
size23.4 MiB
url typeupload